Projectile Weapons
- Kinetic -
- Mini-Driver 3190
- Manufacturer: HearthKeeper Industries (Purist)
- Primary users: Purist Military, paramilitary forces,
- Civilian availability: Moderate-High, depending on political affiliations. The technology embodied by this weapon is not particularly advanced, and it has been produced in large volume for a very long time. Export restrictions are present, but lax. This is the gun that made HearthKeeper a familiar name outside of Purist space.
- Damage vector: Kinetic
- Secondary damage effects:
- Badass factor: Low. This is a respectable weapon, but old, without any trace of uniqueness, or innovation over other linear accelerators. Its primary attributes are the simplicity of its construction, ease of maintenance, and profound durability. It is oversized compared to weapons of similar damage output, however, it is much cheaper than many other weapons of similar damage output. It is in some ways AK47-like in its deadly simplicity. It isn't pretty, and it isn't profound, but the design works and hasn't changed in decades.
- Ammunition: High density solid slugs
- Mount type(s): Modular, strike-spinal heavy
- Variants/upgrades: Replacing the accelerator components with more modern ones will produce a weapon that fits in a medium strike-spinal mount, but is about as expensive an upgrade as the weapon itself.
- Notes:
- Sales text:
- Approximate size: ~ 25 meters long
- Visual description:
- Mini-Driver 3240
- Manufacturer: HearthKeeper Industries (Purist)
- Primary users: Purist Military,
- Civilian availability: Low-Moderate, depending on the friendliness of the polity in question with the Purists. The mass-production nature of the weapon leads to a certain necessary degree of surplus and salvage wandering off the reservation.
- Damage vector: Kinetic
- Secondary damage effects:
- Badass factor: Medium. This weapon is humorless, but so stoically steadfast that it demands its own kind of respect, especially in the numbers in which its low cost and easy construction make it possible to be deployed. While the 3190 is famous for being cheap and reliable, the 3240 has earned its reputation for being cheap, reliable, and more effective than its predecessor. Its visual similarity to that of its even more famous predecessor has allowed it some degree of shared iconic appeal.
- Ammunition: High density solid slugs
- Mount type(s): Modular, strike-spinal heavy
- Variants/upgrades: Internal cooling upgrades and higher-frequency charge-cycling upgrades both serve to increase an otherwise unremarkable rate of fire.
- Notes:
- Sales text:
- Approximate size:
- Visual description:
- Micro-Driver 3215
- Manufacturer: HearthKeeper Industries (Purist)
- Primary users:
- Civilian availability: High. This is a civilian model based on the Mini-Driver 3190. On the market for more than 60 years now, if there is anywhere it isn't always available, it's only because market share has been lost to other, more recent weapons.
- Damage vector: Kinetic
- Secondary damage effects:
- Badass factor: Low. The 3215 is widely known as an inexpensive weapon, and while no one would accuse it of being cheaply made, no one would accuse it of being particularly imposing.
- Ammunition: High density solid slugs
- Mount type(s): Modular, spinal medium
- Variants/upgrades:
- Notes:
- Sales text:
- Approximate size:
- Visual description:
- Hephaestus Point Defense Coil Cannon
- Manufacturer: Hephaestus Weapons Labs
- Primary users: Andolian Protectorate Navy, Confederation
- Civilian availability: Low. Sold separately from the highly prized tracking units that make this point defense unit effective, civilian availability is hampered both by the crippling of the unit and the prohibitive pricing.
- Damage vector: Kinetic
- Secondary damage effects: Depends on ammunition. Usually none
- Badass factor: Moderate. While not as directly fear-inspiring as other point defense systems, the shear volume of fire the HPDCC puts out all but guarantees that some rounds will connect with the attackers and their ordinance. While the choice of a kinetic weapon means that some accuracy is sacrificed versus a lightspeed or near-light-speed weapon, it does mean that the HPDCC round will do the same amount of damage at any range, making it a preferred means of deflecting kinetic strikes.
- Ammunition: Solid slug, fragment-on-shield-impact, luminescent-on-shield-impact, powder-on-shield-impact
- Mount type(s): Confederation Standard Point Defense Turret
- Variants/upgrades: Civilian downgraded model (reduced tracking capability). Protectorate, Confederation, and civilian standard ammunition mixes also differ.
- Notes:
- Sales text:
- Approximate size:
- Visual description:
- Hephaestus Mini-Coil Cannon
- Manufacturer: Hephaestus Weapons Labs
- Primary users: Andolian Protectorate Navy
- Civilian availability: Restricted. The Andolians aren't interested in selling unless you're in some way working for them. That said, this is one of few military weapons they would willingly part with to non-Protectorate forces, given a reason to do so.
- Damage vector: Kinetic
- Secondary damage effects: Depends on ammunition. Usually none.
- Badass factor: Moderate. While each individual round does only moderate damage, especially for a weapon of this size, the HMCC can put out its smaller rounds at a pace far outstripping most other linear accelerators, and can accommodate several different types of ammunition. What's more, it can do all of this at a cost that is remarkably reasonable and with a robust and reliable base technology. While ammunition limitations preclude wall-of-bullets tactics for more than the briefest engagements, the general expectation is that one can survive meeting an opponent with an HMCC, but never unscathed.
- Ammunition: Solid slug, fragment-on-shield-impact, luminescent-on-shield-impact, powder-on-shield-impact
- Mount type(s): Strike-spinal heavy
- Variants/upgrades:
- Notes:
- Sales text:
- Approximate size:
- Visual description:
- Warhead-Assisted Kinetic -
<Bolt name="Penetrator" mountsize="capship-light">
- Kopis
- Manufacturer:
- Primary users:
- Civilian availability:
- Damage vector:
- Secondary damage effects:
- Badass factor:
- Ammunition:
- Mount type(s):
- Variants/upgrades:
- Notes:
- Sales text:
- Approximate size:
- Visual description:
<Bolt name="PenetratorMKVI" mountsize="capship-heavy">
- Manufacturer:
- Primary users:
- Civilian availability:
- Damage vector:
- Secondary damage effects:
- Badass factor:
- Ammunition:
- Mount type(s):
- Variants/upgrades:
- Notes:
- Sales text:
- Approximate size:
- Visual description:
- Oxybeles
- ~7 km long linear accelerators mounted on Leonidas class
- Manufacturer:
- Primary users:
- Civilian availability:
- Damage vector:
- Secondary damage effects:
- Badass factor:
- Ammunition:
- Mount type(s):
- Variants/upgrades:
- Notes:
- Sales text:
- Approximate size:
- Visual description:
- Ballistic Warhead (damage type as per warhead) -
- Makhaira AS6
- Utilizes a shield-contact fused warhead that initiates a burst of high-frequency radiation.
- Manufacturer:
- Primary users:
- Civilian availability:
- Damage vector:
- Secondary damage effects:
- Badass factor:
- Ammunition:
- Mount type(s): Modular, strike medium
- Variants/upgrades:
- Notes: Scaled down version of the AS5. Bread & butter of Aeran military strike craft.
- Sales text:
- Approximate size:
- Visual description:
- Makhaira AS2
- Manufacturer:
- Primary users:
- Civilian availability:
- Damage vector:
- Secondary damage effects:
- Badass factor:
- Ammunition:
- Mount type(s): Modular, strike-heavy
- Variants/upgrades:
- Notes: Still used in Nicander class interceptors, this weapon has a more massive warhead, lower exit velocity, and lower refire rate than the later AS5 model, but packs a more substantial punch per round.
- Sales text:
- Approximate size:
- Visual description:
- Makhaira AS5
- Manufacturer:
- Primary users:
- Civilian availability:
- Damage vector:
- Secondary damage effects:
- Badass factor:
- Ammunition:
- Mount type(s): Modular, strike-heavy
- Variants/upgrades:
- Notes: Less pervasive than the later and smaller AS6, the AS5 is a larger weapon, achieving similar exit velocity on a larger warhead and a comparable rate of fire.
- Sales text:
- Approximate size:
- Visual description:
<Bolt name="Razor" mountsize="medium">
- Razor
- Manufacturer:
- Primary users:
- Civilian availability:
- Damage vector: Matter-antimatter warheads.
- Secondary damage effects:
- Badass factor:
- Ammunition:
- Mount type(s):
- Variants/upgrades:
- Notes:
- Sales text:
- Approximate size:
- Visual description:
<Bolt name="Reaper" mountsize="heavy">
- Reaper
- Manufacturer:
- Primary users:
- Civilian availability:
- Damage vector: Micro-fusion warheads.
- Secondary damage effects:
- Badass factor:
- Ammunition:
- Mount type(s):
- Variants/upgrades:
- Notes:
- Sales text:
- Approximate size:
- Visual description:
<Bolt name="capship_Photon" mountsize="capship-heavy">
- Xiphos
- Manufacturer:
- Primary users:
- Civilian availability:
- Damage vector:
- Secondary damage effects:
- Badass factor:
- Ammunition:
- Mount type(s):
- Variants/upgrades:
- Notes:
- Sales text:
- Approximate size:
- Visual description: